Research Paths

Potential research paths for the Athabasca River Basin Research
Institute are diverse, including those that are interdisciplinary.
- Social and Cultural
Environmental and cultural history, sociological theory and
environment, environmental ethics, public participation in decisions
that effect the environment, local sustainability, environmental
indicators and democracy, rural land management and conservation,
environment and health, population and community growth, gender and
generational issues, Aboriginal issues, language and literature, local
and Aboriginal history, ethnobotany, women in western Canada,
environmental philosophy, Aboriginal rights, environmental policy and
education, ecosophy, heritage resources, history of Alberta’s north. - Environment
Microbiology, air pollution monitoring, remote sensing and
snow pack dynamics, plant and fungi biodiversity, arthropod behaviour
and ecology, climate change and quaternary geology, ecological
modelling, physics and astronomy, aquatic and wetland ecology, wetland
monitoring, surface and groundwater biogeochemistry. - Economy
Renewable resources, social economic change, considering
culture through institutional change, labour and industrial relations.
Research paths across many disciplines will continue to
evolve as ARBRI matures and collaborative relationships develop
over time. Key to the institute’s success will be understanding the
research needs of stakeholders, providing information on ongoing
research initiatives and facilitating research to meet identified
The institute is actively cultivating alliances and
opportunities with partners in academic institutions,
government, industry, non-governmental organizations, Aboriginal
communities and other communities with interests in the Athabasca River